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In-Person Worship

Our worship is currently in-person at 8:30 AM, and 10:00 AM. There is a place for everyone. 
The 10:00 AM liturgy is recorded weekly and then posted to youtube later in the day following the in-person service.

Church Altar
Holy Eucharist - 10:00 AM

The sacrament of bread and wine (Eucharist/Holy Communion) is at the heart of our worship, the sacred meal of Christ's self-giving love. Our worship shapes us to open our hearts to engage our faith in the world that God loves. In addition to The Book of Alternative Services our worship draws from resources from the Anglican world-wide communion. A blend of musical traditions supports our worship. 

Holy Eucharist 8:30 AM

A service of Holy Communion adapted from The Book of Common Prayer. This worship is dear to those who appreciate the language and rhythm of a service that is unique to the Anglican tradition. It is also appreciated by those who seek a quiet, contemplative service that begins their day and week, as well as giving the early riser the benefit of the rest of their sabbath day.

Woman with Bible
Children in Classroom
Children and Youth

Our children's program (Sunday School) is normally offered at the 10:00 AM service. We use the curriculum Illustrated Children's Ministry. Children are also welcome in worship. See the "Children and Youth" tab, or click below, for more information.

Further Inquiries

We welcome inquiries about Weddings, Baptisms, Confirmation or Funerals. Please reach out for more information.

Vintage Socks



St. Matthias Anglican Church

6210 - 188 St NW

Edmonton, AB   T5T 5T4

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© St. Matthias Anglican Church


St. Matthias' Parish lives and serves in Treaty 6 territory, land that is the traditional meeting ground and home of Cree, Saulteaux, Blackfoot, Nakota Sioux and Métis peoples.   We give thanks for our indigenous brothers and sisters, for their hospitality and wisdom, and for those from every nation who walk gently with us on this land.

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